Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sea! Alright!

Ok! First things first! Sea: Complete! :D Finally our "static" has access to Sea. It was rather random but we finally managed to set a date to do Airship and stuck with it. Thanks to Tuuf for waking up at 4am to help us on the other side of the ocean~ As far as the actual Sea report goes, all I have to say is {Too Weak}. I hear all these horror stories of how hard and difficult it is, then I hear even worse ones that a PLD can't tank it. Well to that I say wrong! Seraphpdh did one hell of a job tanking Omege/Ultima. Not only did it go well, but we beat it with relative ease! Read Tuufless' blog for info on the actual Airship fight. After the fight we were all so excited and happy. Tuuf decided to go to lunch while the rest of us finished our cutscenes and prepared for the NMs and Tenzen fight. After our long time running around we took a break and Sao had to do some yardwork with her mom while the rest of us just chilled out. By the time we go underway to kill the NMs Tuuf was back so he decided to come along to help. His help was greatly appreciated however, there was also another party that was doing the same NMs we were. Normally any other day I'd gladly help them out but after the long day we had, I just wanted to get this all done and relax. Tuuf however offered our help and so we did just that and helped them beat all the NMs. It was nice helping each other out and all but this brought back memories of a previous CoP mishap. A while back during Riverne Site B#01 Tuuf organized a dual-LS run at it despite mixed feelings on the whole run. When we were getting ready to do the actual fight, Tuuf and his companions decided to split up the parties for optimized fighting ability. Well the problem was that none of our LS Static wanted to split, we wanted to do it as a LS with people we know and have fun with it. In the end however after drama we agreed reluctantly to splitting. Anyway, that ended horribly and it was a few weeks later that we actually beat B01 with our original LS Static. Now back to the Dual-Party run:
After the NMs were defeated we were all getting ready for Tenzen. Again Tuuf wanted to split us up for maximum fighting force. Now I respect the idea behind it but he should of learned from last time that we didn't want to split. Now there was major drama with members screaming back and forth, but what upset me the most is that no one backs Sao and I up when we have a problem with something. It always seems like Saoirse is being a bitch and I'm defending her because she's my gf. I am really sick of how people don't say what they are thinking. It's to the point where Sao and I don't even want to do things with people anymore. So after Sao and I caved in, Tuuf tried to organize the parties around... Well here is where it gets retarded. After ALL that drama, we ended up with the SAME EXACT STATIC pt -_-. @#&@%$*^ So I was in a foul mood, however I still wanted to get this done because Chummy delayed driving home a few days so we could get this done and I wasn't going to let the drama interfere with that.

So we went on to fight Tenzen. We lost. The problems were mostly the 3 Taru casting on us as well as Chummy and I not SCing correctly. So in the end we died. Well at this point is when one of the other parties players decided to go to bed. This left us in a very difficult spot. There were 6 people who needed the Tenzen win but it wasn't the most functional party. Tuuf sat this one out and we went in with PLD MNK SAM SAM BRD and Sao came as her 61 BLM to cure Seraph. Well after all our 2HRs and so forth we managed to own Tenzen. We were so happy to finally have this done and when the cutscenes were over, we were in Sea. ^^ It looks great, we plan to explore it tonight hopefully after Seraph gets out of Sky. Now this brings me to future CoP missions. I do not want to break the static, but I'm not going to organize anything either. Tuuf has made it clear that he has intentions of quitting the game, so this throws a wrench in CoP if he decides to go off on his own again when he feels he's done with the game. The static as it stands is Seraph, Chummy, Saoirse and I. If they want to do a mission I will gladly do it with them, I won't go off and beat CoP without them. So that is currently how it stands D: In the end, the Airship fight was nothing like the horror stories I've heard.

So Congratulations TR! ^^v


Blogger Thazienne said...


6/12/2006 1:36 PM  

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