Monday, December 12, 2005

H'omg I made a blog~!

Well I've been contemplating making a blog for some time now and I finally broke down and did it -_-. With the FFXI servers down for the moment I have nothing to do so here I am ^^;. Not a whole lot to say really. Guess I'll start with who I am:

Names Akanea and I'm currently a Lvl 74 DRG on the Odin server. I've been around since day one I guess you could say. Well, day one since it was released on PC back in Oct/Nov of 03'. Ah the good ole-days. I remember starting out and not knowing anyone and the excitement of my first trek to Jeuno (which ended horribly I might add Dx). I remember the first Linkshell i ever joined was Einheriar. Such an interesting LS it was too. Owned by Solace, who no longer plays the game to my knowledge. Those were my first real "friends". I didn't really fit in but I quickly learned how people act on the game and what anyone is capable of.

After eventually leaving that LS because of feeling unwanted and losing a close friend because of FFXI drama, i created my own LS with another friend from my hometown. We called it TrueRune, named after the Suikoden series of games XD. Honestly I never expected it to still be around today but low and behold it is alive and kicking. The first recruits were Kurgan, Macleod, Erieta, Sanzou, Ncloud, Ultrablue, Kaydia, Killasweet, and Eratosthenes. We had a great time back then ^^. I escorted Erieta, Killasweet and Sanzou on their first boat ride to San'doria. They were only lvl 10 at the time and I was around lvl 30-something DRG. That was fun. It was the first time i've actually had fun in this game with other players. I really enjoyed helping new players. Shortly later i saw the LS growing faster and faster with new people like Avar and Nclouds friends Nappycat and Seig. Next thing i know is we had over 12 members all together which was more than I planned for X_X. People kept asking to come in and I couldn't say no ^^.

Anyways, thats enough time spent down memory lane. Now and days members have long come and gone including 90% of the original members like Erieta and Sanzou. It's sad that there is such drama on a game that is meant to be fun. I've lost a lot of friends on this game. Kind of sad when you think about it, but thats how it is on FFXI. But it hasn't been entirely bad. I've gained some great friends as well who are still around like my Tarutaru buddy Tuufless. Oh how I love that Taru XD. Not to mention i bought FFXI for my girlfriend a year ago or so and now she's on the game and currently Lvl 65 THF ^^. Luff yous Saoirse~! I also got my friend who just started playing on my server, Andvari. I have many more friends on the game too but I'm really not close to them as I wish i was. It's great for a while then they just end up ditching me and hanging with their own friends. c_c.

I think the only real thing that bugs me is seeing people I started the game with and none remember me ._. It's rather depressing. I'm not going to name any names because that wouldn't do any good lol.

Anyways >_> that's my history with the game. A lot has happened since i first started the game in my life. For one thing, I'm still with my gf Sao ^.^ going on over 2 years now. Also i managed to do 2 years of community College and get an Associates of Art degree. Next I'm moving to Arizona to start at UAT where i will be majoring in Game Design. Heh whats nice is that i'll be living near 2 people i've met on FFXI: Opticon and Anjia.
They are nice enough to help me out soon as I get there by driving me around to get stuff for my apartment. I can't wait! Also, i'll have to take a short break from FF starting in January. I'll be back in February. I'm kind of worried about what will happen to the LS once i leave for a month, but I guess I'll find out when i come back. Tuufless is also taking a break then so that makes me feel a little better. He's been such a great friend. ^^v Anyways enough of the sob story about myself. I'm sure most people won't even read this XD~
~Until next time~