Friday, August 31, 2007

Burnt Out

Well where should I start. I guess I'll start with the update. As most people already know, the update apparently screwed up the 2-handed weapon DMG a great deal. Namely meaning that SAM, DRG, DRK, etc are doing much more damage then they should I guess? I dunno first hand because I haven't played any of those jobs since before the update came out. I haven't even had a chance to do the new ToA missions yet either. Lately I just feel bleh. This past summer I basically devoted myself solely to Sky and Limbus because I wanted to get as much of those in as I could before classes started Sept 4th. Honestly I'm just burnt out. I go NIN to both events nearly 24/7 99% of the time so I can say for a fact that I am really not liking NIN atm. At the time that I'm writing this blog, I can say I wish I never have leveled it in the first place. Yeah it was fun at first but now its just so boring. Especially since the update because NIN can't hold hate worth poo. It was hard enough holding hate without this 2-handed buff but now it's like why try unless you're getting SATA'd properly. I miss my other jobs too. I haven't been on SAM since a short merit party I did a few weeks ago to get it a buffer as well as a merit. It was a blast, I totally forgot how fun and how much damage I could do. It was a normal party setup in Halvung and we were fighting trolls. As for DRG, the last time I got on it was for one day in sky when we were just doing Diorite farming and I actually got to come as a non-NIN job. That was ok for a while, I realize that I have some really awesome DRG gear, it's just a shame that I'm never on the job anymore. Hence my disgust for NIN currently. Anyway, end-rant.

On the other side of the spectrum, I've been doing some heavy THF leveling when I'm not occupied on NIN. I am currently around 1800 exp to level 68 and I am pumped! It's just a pity that I have to seek for a few hours before I actually get any invites Dx. Oh well, I beat Chrono Trigger over the last few days and started Chrono Cross again so those keep me occupied while I'm seeking XD.

The above image was from a party I was in at Caedarva Mire. I've never camped at this spot or exped off these mobs but it was pretty fun. We went through the Nyzul Isle staging point and came out in the wrong spot, but we decided to stay anyway. There are about 5-6 Shade mobs here with a short spawn time so it wasn't that bad. They are pretty harmless although annoying when they take your TP on a regular basis. Another thing about THF that confuses me is the lack of Skillchains. I dunno if it's just because I'm a post-ToA THF, but I haven't actually been in a skillchain since like level...40? I always solo now, as does everyone else. I find that strange, but I guess it's just how parties work now. Not that I'm really complaining, but I just though it was rather strange. I am very eager to get THF to 75 and be done with it. I like the job overall, but I'm really only leveling it because I have all the gear for it (Homam+Hecatomb). Next up on the agenda is my MNK, which I have a static with Sheldan and Saoirse. So that has been going pretty well, but with the new semester starting we haven't been able to exp with that lately. Hopefully once the semester is underway more we will be able to go on with our static. I'm eager for my classes to start as well. I'm not sure how much time I'll have devoted to endgame once I start, but it should be ok. Although if I can't go to Sky/Limbus some days thats fine with me; my NIN could use the break.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I Still Live!

I know it's been a while since my last post. Honestly I dunno anyone who even reads my blog but I have some news! Where to start, lets see. Most recent news is that I have finally gotten a pair of Byakko's Haidate. I'm not sure on the ratio of kills to drops we're at but its very lame. Luckily I was up first for them and they finally dropped so /hurray!

That brings my God Gear total to: 3/5. All that's left to complete it is Genbu's Kabuto and Kirin's Osode. Both of which shouldn't take too long to get considering we do gods almost every sky run and we've been really pushing out Kirin spawns. We've even gotten 3 Osode's from the last 5 Kirin's or so. It's great to see them drop and go to people that have great use for them like Ringthree, Glacian, and Rygar. The Kabuto is good for tanking I guess, I really don't place much emphasis on stats but the VIT+15 seems sexy enough for me. On a side note, I've also gotten 3/3 on my Hecatomb gear from sky for my DRG. So far I've earned enough gil to purchase the cursed items for my Gloves and Body. I still have the Feet Abj in my storage, but I'm not in a rush to trade it in seeing as how they aren't TOO much better than Rutters Sabatons atm. Also, I'm debating if I want to keep earning gil to fund for my Shura Togi. I got the D Body Abj ages ago back when I did Sky with Explorer and have yet to find a reason to pay the outrageous pricetag of ~1mil for that piece. I just don't need it for SAM or NIN atm. However with my static (Sheldan COR & Saoirse SAM & Me MNK) I think I should think about spending the gil to get it. It seems great for MNK. Of course mine is only 22 atm but the price keeps going down too. I guess I'll just wait and see how far it goes down. After earning a 100 byne bill from last Saturday's dynamis run, that brings my total to around 1,160,000gil. I'm really hesitant to spend the money so I think I'll just wait until I get to 1.5mil. That way I still have a hefty amount to plunge into Limbus and Dynamis. The money we earn from Sky is great as well, it keeps me afloat.

Some other stuff that has happened within the last few months is also worth mentioning. Think it was a month ago, but some LS mates and myself were just chilling out in the LS not doing much. Tuufless logged on as he usually does every other week or so (his playing time has severly taken a blow :P) and we decided to go farm some Sea organs for our gorgets. So Tuuf, Sao and myself went out and started killing things. Eventually Seraph also logged on and joined us. Things went REALLY well, we had awesome drops. Sao only needs 2 Hpemde organs and a Yovra left. I need 5 Aerns and a yovra as well. Anyway, whilst doing that, a friend of Tuuf's msged him telling him about an upcoming Bahamut run that they were planning. They had room for a few more people so Tuuf, Seraph and I ran off to join them. Sao decided to go to bed as it was already late. There were about 15-18 of us that went and boy was it awesome. I never thought I'd be doing the Bahamut fight but it was amazing! He was huge! I couldn't believe how big he was. He took some work too. Every 10% or so he does Mega Flare then around his last 10-20% he does Giga Flare I do believe. Well we all stuck in there and towards then end he managed to wipe almost all of the alliance except a few of us. Namely Seraph and I were the only ones meleeing him at the end. He had around 1-2% HP left and I SATA+WS him but before it could go off, a SMN's Leviathan managed to kill him. I was kinda bummed because I would have gotten the killing blow XD but it was alright because Seraph and I were some of the last left alive and man was it exciting. We got some badass titles: Conquerer of Fate. Unfortunately I can't go on the next Bahamut fight because I haven't beaten the Zilart missions yet. I'm still on Ark Angels/Divine Might. I really want to finish them so I can get my earring.

Hmm what else has happened. Most of the summer I've been doing Sky/Limbus/Dynamis hardcore a lot. Our Limbus LS has suffered some setbacks and we are short members. Hopefully we can get some more coming in and start doing Omega/Ultima again to get people gear. If anyone is interested in joining our Limbus LS: ShutUpAndDance, then please let me know or you can msg Kitsume or Enriquez on game. We're on the Odin server btw :P. Other than that, I've also been leveling my THF pretty hardcore. It's currently at Lv 66. I'd like to finish it, but I've been really busy lately as well. Hopefully I can finish it sometime soon before I really get going on my MNK.

Anyway, that's all the major things I can think of that has happened. We are also slowly doing CoP missions to catch up other members of my LS. We just beat 2-5 which was Riverne Site A01. It went really well so we will do some more in the future. Congrats to Ararith on that victory as well! XD

Anyways, I'll try to post more if there's anyone actually reading this so sayonara~