Death to teh Snoll!
Thats right! We finally decided to fight this badboy again (4th time) and surprisingly we beat it. Let me start at the beginning. The day started with a Dynamis-Bastok run which didn't go according to plan. It seems another LS decided to do Bastok during our time slot so we were forced to choose another Dynamis to do. The thing i noticed however was by the time we were all ready and partied up to do Dynamis-Jeuno, the other LS was out of Bastok...we could of went back to it, but instead did Jeuno. -_- I have been waiting to do Bastok for a long time now, at least a few months, because I need my DRG AF pants there. Anyways, Jeuno went well, I made around 240k so all in all a decent run. Lots of AF drops and 3 100 bills!! @_@ That's right, rare do you see 3 drop. Chummy got his SAM AF Boots and Seraph got the Clear for Jeuno. I'm not sure what other ones he needs, but check his blog if you want, i think he has posted something on there; (Its over in my Linkies~).
On to better things! We originally had planned to do a Snoll Farm/Fight run tonight but Seraph chose to do Sky >_> so while he was in sky, Tuuf, Sao, Chummy and I went to Riverne Site #B01 to farm the Clusters that spawn there. They are VT-IT so it wasn't TOO bad. Luckily for me, since I've been lvling NIN lately, I came to tank. It was NIN SMN RDM BLM. It went pretty well and we came out with 11 Clusters adding to my 1 for a total of 12 clusters (or 6 Salts). We use 3 salts per fight, so we got an extra 3 in case we didn't beat it. Lucky for us we DID beat it :D. So now we have 3 extra clusters. Dunno what we will do with them, maybe sell, who knows. We then proceeded to run around watching cutscenes for the next 2hrs. Very nice ones I might add. If any of you haven't done much CoP, I highly suggest it. The story is awesome and the CS are well done and thought out. Best of all is now we are ready to do the dreaded Airship fights. These consist of fighting 5 Mammets, Omega weapon, and Ultima weapon. >_> Thats right people, Omega and Ultima DX. It's around a 30+min battle and you can't save or quit in between. If you die fighting the 3rd fight, you have to fight them all over again. First before we attempt them we need to farm up some chips in Pso`Xja. You take 3 Chips and that becomes 1 CCB Polymer. I hear we need 6 CCB Polymers -_-. Well Saoirse used her charms and managed to get 1 from her friend so now we only need 5! ^^b. Looks like we will be farming in Pso`Xja for a bit before we attempt to do the fight. I just hope we manage to at least get all our CCB Polymers before the expansion comes out. It would be nice to have Sea by then but I doubt it.
On another note, I got my NIN to lvl 59! /hurray! Almost 60~ It's been pretty fun and soon I will be partying with Saoirse and her 60 BLM and Ararith and her 60 DRG! <3 DRG-Girl. I told her we would party with her, and thats why we leveled, but she doesn't believe me XD. Muwahahaha! She's like my DRG Apprentice~ XD Anyways thats all tonight so until next time, stay clothed and be safe! o_o/
On to better things! We originally had planned to do a Snoll Farm/Fight run tonight but Seraph chose to do Sky >_> so while he was in sky, Tuuf, Sao, Chummy and I went to Riverne Site #B01 to farm the Clusters that spawn there. They are VT-IT so it wasn't TOO bad. Luckily for me, since I've been lvling NIN lately, I came to tank. It was NIN SMN RDM BLM. It went pretty well and we came out with 11 Clusters adding to my 1 for a total of 12 clusters (or 6 Salts). We use 3 salts per fight, so we got an extra 3 in case we didn't beat it. Lucky for us we DID beat it :D. So now we have 3 extra clusters. Dunno what we will do with them, maybe sell, who knows. We then proceeded to run around watching cutscenes for the next 2hrs. Very nice ones I might add. If any of you haven't done much CoP, I highly suggest it. The story is awesome and the CS are well done and thought out. Best of all is now we are ready to do the dreaded Airship fights. These consist of fighting 5 Mammets, Omega weapon, and Ultima weapon. >_> Thats right people, Omega and Ultima DX. It's around a 30+min battle and you can't save or quit in between. If you die fighting the 3rd fight, you have to fight them all over again. First before we attempt them we need to farm up some chips in Pso`Xja. You take 3 Chips and that becomes 1 CCB Polymer. I hear we need 6 CCB Polymers -_-. Well Saoirse used her charms and managed to get 1 from her friend so now we only need 5! ^^b. Looks like we will be farming in Pso`Xja for a bit before we attempt to do the fight. I just hope we manage to at least get all our CCB Polymers before the expansion comes out. It would be nice to have Sea by then but I doubt it.
On another note, I got my NIN to lvl 59! /hurray! Almost 60~ It's been pretty fun and soon I will be partying with Saoirse and her 60 BLM and Ararith and her 60 DRG! <3 DRG-Girl. I told her we would party with her, and thats why we leveled, but she doesn't believe me XD. Muwahahaha! She's like my DRG Apprentice~ XD Anyways thats all tonight so until next time, stay clothed and be safe! o_o/