Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yeaaaaaah, I finally got my Clothcraft glasses!~ I'm all studious now but more about that later~ Anyway, besides that amazing occurance, things have been pretty good on game. Joined a new Nyzul static a while back with Orodruin (the same guy from the older static) and it's been great. Everyone one of us have Xbox Live so we can all chat over the headsets during the runs. Makes things go MUCH smoother. Although its strange, we're all on Xbox live, but I'm the only one not playing FF on Live, I play on PC! XD So far we've gotten numerous drops, but personally I've gotten Askar Korazin and Denali Bonnet. ^^ I've missed out on a Denali Jacket though thanks to Cerberus and SE being retarded. We get Cerberus for the last boss, and we have around 5 seconds left when I finally kill him, and right as we see he dropped a Denali Jacket and Vorpal Sword, the zone kicks us. How retarded is that? /sigh oh well. I've also managed to snag Rank 9 Sand'oria. Need to 9-1 still, but haven't been able to find help for it, or help for my DRK AF Helm fight for that matter. Tuufie and I tried to duo the AF Helm but we failed. He wanted to fight the 2 skeletons first and do the weapon last. Well while I was killing a skeleton, the other 2 mobs pwned him. After my skeleton was dead I engaged the Weapon and used Hundred Fists and got him to around 2% before I died. So we could of won had we killed him first! ><

As for the last few days, I've been focused solely on getting my Clothcraft glasses. I'm currently 54 Clothcraft too as well. The only problem is now I'm stuck with Green Ribbons which require 2 Silk Cloth to make. I have to do that until 62 urgh. Besides that, been going to dynamis more regularly now. However work has now prevented me from going on Sundays, which kind of sucks but oh well. Oh! I also got a Wyrm Armet -1! However, it would cost 300k to trade that with my AF2 in for the AF2+1 so I think I'll hold off. As much as I would love to get it right now, it would require me to pull my AF out of storage and I haven't the room. Also I'm rarely ever on DRG anymore (much to my dismay) so it would be kind of pointless to spend that much money right now.

As for real life stuff, it is currently my spring break, which means....homework! I'm very behind on work so I've been catching up. Meanwhile Saoirse is in CA visiing her family. She'll be back on Saturday. Other activities I've been doing is playing Xbox 360. Picked up Star Ocean: The Last Hope and its hella fun. Best RPG since Lost Odyssey I'd have to say, (as for JRPGs). Other than that, I went through my FFXI Screenshots and have a bunch to show off! So I will leave you with that! :D

Here is Esor playing my Harpsichord :3

This is me helping out Crlmsonking with her JoyToy a while back, congrats!

This is Saoirse and I doing Maze Mongers or w/e its called!

This is Thazienne's butt, I told him I'd put it up here! ^o^

This final one is of Fishura making me a signed Dragon Subligar before he quits!

Anyway, that is all, until next time!