Ok, so it has been a while since I last posted a lengthy post, but to let everyone know, I am in fact ok o_o/. I don't know if anyone still reads this but I might as well let people know what has been going on. First and foremost, I have been leveling COR quite a bit as of late. At first I found the job boring as hell and just struggling to stay with it. This all changed however once you get late 30's; at least for me it did. My ranged shots started hitting more and I found myself loving this strange BRD-RNG hybrid. There have been a few parties who when they invite me, they ask the simple question: "Are you good and what can you do?" Now that's a very interesting question. My friend Pilfer, who also has been leveling PUP, has gotten this question as well. The simple answer is: "Yes, we have our strengths and weaknesses as any other job." I can't speak much for PUP because I have not played it past level 6 personally, but as for COR, I think it's a great job. On the one hand, I'm like a gimpy RNG / gimpy BRD. However, I'm not as gimpy as you may think. The whole idea of lucky rolls adds a new aspect to partying. For example: When I use Fighter's Roll and Rogue's Roll, the party gets the benefits of Double-Attack as well as Critical Hit Up. This is awesome because I found myself as well as the WAR in my party last night, hitting 3 times or more and each hit landing a critical ^^! Also, at my current level (54, almost 55) I rarely miss. I have an accuracy rating of like 89-93% which I think is quite nice for a gimpy RNG. I'm also doing some great dmg with my ranged. I do normally anywhere around 40-120dmg per hit. Most of the time its 60ish. However the downside is my weapon skills suck. I don't just mean like 100dmg only, I mean suck HARDCORE. I do like 30-70dmg most of the time with a WS, that's IF I don't miss. So now you see where the gimpy RNGness comes in. Also, since I'm not really used to timing rolls, I end up giving the wrong people the wrong rolls sometimes. I'm getting better, but with the recast for rolling being 1min, it's slightly annoying. However, Quick Draw is an awesome ability. It's like an instant 166dmg. Anyway, that's the recent update on what I've been leveling lately. I hope to get 60 by next week ^^v.
Some other recent happenings would include me being dead ass broke. About 2 weeks ago Saoirse helped my finally purchase my own Barona Corazza! Took me forever, but now with its new price around 3mil, I finally got one. After that, I was around 3,000 gil for a while <_< randomly going up to 100k and back down to 7k. That changed though once I started selling everything I didn't need as well as getting a 100 Byne Bill from dynamis last night! I seem to be getting back on track with my cashflow, so that's always a plus. The linkshell has been rather quiet. I've been hanging out with Ararith a lot lately, shes so cool XD. The LS has also done a subligar run and that was pretty fun. We're going to start doing CoP missions again next month for Ararith.
Hmm, well I think that's about all I have to report, so until next time~
Ja mata~