Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Day Has Finally Arrived...

Well it's finally that time now. I've been thinking about this moment for a long time and I have to say I'm pretty excited. Now now, before any of you jump the gun, I'm not talking about quitting FF11 >_>. Hardly. In fact I am speaking of something entirely new. Final Fantasy 12 has just been released o_o. Oh that's right >_>. All the hype, the talking, everything that has mentioned this game will be put to the test. I have class in a few, but I will have it by the time I get home. I am very pumped o_o. As a result of FF12 coming out, I doubt I will be on FF11 much for a bit. Anyone who gets FF12 will probably say the same thing. On a side note, I've also managed to pick up a copy of the recently released Phantasy Star Universe. Wow. Such a different it is from FF11. It's so strange in comparison. Not only are the visuals all anime-esque, but the whole game feel is crazy. It's a very unstable game in comparison! It's been fun though, and I think I'll play out the rest of my month on it then cancel my subscription. Anywho, it's time for me to go to my 2D Design class ewwwww. Also have to meet with the internship people and do my resume so that will be really fun, knowing FF12 is at home c_c.

Anyway! Ja mata!~ ^^b


Blogger Thazienne said...

I picked up FFXII and NWN2.../wave FFXI...lol

11/02/2006 11:22 AM  
Blogger Akanea said...

Z'omg FFXII is fun, haven't tried NWN2 yet though :D

11/03/2006 1:04 PM  

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