Monday, July 24, 2006

~Emo Moment~

You might be wondering why the title of the post is emo. o_o well I'll tell you. Been feeling rather poopy lately, not quite sure the reason it started. Recently on game I've been getting a little bored. I really don't have any good friends that I do anything with anymore. Most have quit the game or have gone on to "Endgame". Been helping a LOT of people out lately. Not only the Linkshell but also random people who happen to need help. I've done avatar runs, CoP missions, item quests, AF quests, coffer hunts, etc. Some of it has been quite fun but it's getting old really fast. I'm not the type of person to down a person who needs help without giving a decent response but I'm almost at the point where I just want to say no and end it Dx. Saoirse and I were talking about the game and the people on it and we've come to a conclusion. People just don't really care about other people unless it serves their purpose o_O. Granted we aren't speaking about ALL of the players but certainly a lot of them. I've noticed more and more that you help people oh so much before they finally run out of things you can help them with and they desert you.

On a side note as an example: Saoirse helps people whenever she can. Linkshell or other people shes always quick to say "Sure, watcha need?". Well I must say she is fed up with people on this game ><. Shes at the point where she created a new character on another server and is having more fun lvling that noobie then she is sitting in her own Linkshell. I don't really blame her though she helps out a lot and when she needs something, no one offers. I'm trying to think of the last major thing we did as a LS and I can't think of anything. Whenever she needs help she has to rely on friends outside of the LS to help her and thats just not right ><. I feel bad talking about this wondering if some of these people will read it but I need to get it off my chest. I was thinking about my "friends" I used to have. I used to just hang out with Woulfgang and Fuzen but they are no longer around. Woulf has retired her character and Fuzen went MIA for a while and is now back but it's just not the same with us. I think Chummy is the only person besides Sao that I hang out with. I miss teh Chummers, he will be back soon hopefully ><. As for Hiro and Shel I'm at a lost of words. Hiro has been visiting his sister and even hanging out with Shel which is great; but it feels like they ditched Sao and I. We had all these CoP missions planned out pretty much for Hiro, Shel and Ararith and Ara is the only one that showed up. Granted we wanted to do all the LS that needed it, not just those three, but its because of those three we got the idea. (More on our CoP run in a few).

Furthermore I was reading Tuuf's recent blog post and it got me upset. He talks about how fun static parties are and how great it is to level with friends... What the hell are we? We've pted many times in the past and even had a CoP static. He's never said such words about us. He's been hanging out on his old LS which is fine but it feels weird with him now. I know that I'm ranting now but I need to get this off my chest D:

Anyway, enough about the Emo Moment, let me tell you the good news! First of all we've done numerous Dynamis runs in the past since Sao joined and shes gotten them cleared: Jeuno and Windurst. We did Bastok the other day and I have to say that I was in one of the most pissed moods afterwards. Well Kitsume is a great puller and a great player but he was pulling weird all night. We kept getting he Warning you only have "10" minutes left, etc. Normally we never have that problem. Well it was the last hour or half hour and he still hadn't pulled the boss. I was worried because it would be another month before we did Bastok again at least and I wanted Sao to get the clear. Well when he did finally pull the mob we had about 1min to kill it. We were kicked from the area when the mob was at 16% -_- Sao didn't get clear. I was fuming! ><. Hopefully we do it again sometime soon so she can get it. Another thing that happened is we did Promyvion-Holla. Well we farmed anima for a goo 8-10 people and when the night was scheduled to do it, 3 showed up. I know people have lives and all that but 3 people? We needed a 6th and it was a good hour or so before Astunen finally got on and came with us. I was dissapointed in the turnout but oh well. We finally got out there and after an hour of climbing we got to the top. I was worried about the fight since this was some of their first times. I must say we did AWESOME! It went even better then Sao's and I when we did it back when. We owned that thing like nobodies business XD Also a LS mate finally got access to Lufaise Meadows! Congrats Theora >:D. Currently we have Promyvion-Dem scheduled for Thursday and hopefully Ararith will be the next one to get access to the meadows.

Some other stuff that has happened would be I've gotten WAR to lvl 50 and started the AF quests. I've gotten the boots and gloves thus far, next is a Crawlers Nest Coffer and Key. I've stopped lvling BLU for the moment. It's kind of annoying having to stop and learn spells every few levels. However I really like it :P. Last night also I was in a PT with Ksayyah and Saoirse and it was a burn PT in Caedeva Mire or however its spelled. We got a good 50k exp O_O. I can see why people like Burn parties but I wouldn't like that type all the time. Sao managed to finally get 75! Shes so happy, I'm so happy for her as well XD. I also managed to get my SAM 75 too! Funny thing is I forgot I had it set on Merit mode. When I lvled it switched to Merit and I have a 102 buffer >_>. Good news is I got 2 merits and am 500 to next merit! ^^/. Hmm what else has happenend. Oh! If you look at my links you will see a person named Arwenne. Shes great! She has reminded me of how much fun it was to be mid level and experiencing everything for the first time. Something I miss now that I'm a seasoned veteran. Anyway, I added her to my flist and we were talking. I asked her if she wanted a WP and she said sure so now Aniya is on Odin! XD We didn't end there however she also managed to get WPs for Saoirse, Ksayyah and myself! It's fun lvling on another server where you know no one and you're trying to survive. ^^ I do miss might wonder why after all the stuff I said earlier but it's still home. Anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting the update to get done so I can see the new DRG merits >:D so Sayonora~

I'll leave you with some screens from Limbus ^^


Monday, July 17, 2006

Kirin Captivator

Well first things first, this morning we did the Kirin fight. This being my first time, I was a little excited. Once we popped him however the excitement dimmed. He's not all that difficult. Explorer uses the Kiting technique and I must say that it works quite well. However it is frustrating as hell when you lose your TP because the mob won't stay still ><. If you don't know what the Kirin fight is (I'm sure most of you do) it is the God fight of all God fights. Once you have all 4 God pop items you can fight him. While fighting him he summons each of the other gods respectively, Genbu, Byakko, Seiyru, and Suzaku. As my friend Tuufless put it "They are about as tough as a Robber Crab this round." No kidding! They were incredibly easy in their weakend state.

As Lostman also said "He's so pretty ^^". In short, I thought Kirin was ok. We got crap drops so it seemed like a waste of time. Another sidenote that happened last 2 Dynamis was I managed to snag 2 pieces of WAR AF2! Next up for Explorer is Dynamis-Xarcabard on Wednesday. I don't really need anything else from there but it should be fun and lets hope I actually make some money this time m(_ _)m.
More recent news would be that I've thus far leveled my WAR to 46 ^^. I don't even have my AF yet and I'm starting to collect AF2 XD. WAR is really fun when you actually get a party invite. I enjoy the damage I do and I must say that Berserk+Aggressor is an ego boost XD. Not much else has been going on. I've gotten my BLU to lvl 19 but i'm focusing on WAR atm. We have plans to start Promyvion runs for LS members in TrueRune. Our first run will be on Thursday. Hopefully it goes smoothly and without incident. Anyway, that's all! Sayonara~

Monday, July 10, 2006

Nice Changes

Well it's been a week since I lasted posted, a good amount has happened. First of all I might say that I now have all 5/5 of the AF2 for DRG!!! I look so sexay XD:

^_^ So as you can see I'm quite happy at finally completing it. What was really awesome was on the same day I got my last AF2 for DRG, I also got the SAM AF2 Gloves! It was an awesome day. Next I'd like to complete my SAM AF2 which I have 3/5 on. Then hopefully start my NIN AF2, (for those who don't know, my NIN is lvl 62~).

I've also been leveling WAR in my sparetime and I'm currently Lv 44. Hopefully I'll take it all the way too but only time can tell. Last night I also had a great time with Sheldan. She's a Lv 73 BRD and she had all her items for her Opo Opo crown, except her Wyvern Skull. Now I've heard it was hard to kill these wyverns even though the drop isn't so rare. Anyway, Shel, Tuuf and I set out to Ifrit's Cauldron. We had in mind that Tuuf would tank it with his RDM, but once we got there we all decided to chip in. They only checked Tough, and since I was DRG, it was intimidated most of the time >:D. I did well tanking it, as it only hit me once or twice with its evil Fang Rush move. On our 2nd kill we got the skull! I'm happy to report that Shel has her Opo Opo Crown:

She was so happy, she made me a Knight of Shopo! (PS I don't quite know what that is or means, but I was happy to have the title~). We hung out with each other for a bit after and read up on the upcoming update. We are both so excited about the chocobo raising! We made plans to breed our Chocobos together once we got them raise up ^^. Another thing that happened last night was Tuuf and Kitsume helped me clear this evil Assault mission I was having problems with ><. It's called Excavation Duty and the point of it is you have 30min to destroy 5 walls. Well you only hit the Wall for 1-4 dmg and WS do around 15+. The secret is BLM need to cast their Choke, Rasp, Bio, etc constantly to dmg it the most. Well to make it short, we won with 3 min to spare ^^. I'm currently trying to get enough Assaults done so I can move my rank up to Superior Private.

On another note, I leveled my BLU to 14 last night in the Dunes. Now nobody has ever "really" liked the dunes, but now its damn near unbearable. There is a recent surge of new Gil Seller players and they have infested such areas as Crawlers Nest and Garlaige Citadel. Well why leave the dunes out of the loop eh? Sure enough there was numerous parties of Sellers wandering around. Furthermore, we had 2 of them in our PT. Now personally I don't like Gil Sellers, but I don't HATE them as much as most players (enough to scream at them on /shout and be in general very vulgar), but these two got on my nerves because the BLM only had Stone and the WHM only had Cure... So we didn't really get anywhere with the setup we had because there wasn't enough magic power. Luckily Saoirse came out and PLed our PT so I managed to get a few levels. In the end it was ok, but the Dunes are even worse then before now DX

Now this brings me to this morning. Last night I only managed to get 2 hours of sleep, IF that. I don't want to go into gross detail, but I was sick all night and throwing up T_T. I was pissed because I had my 2nd Sky run with Explorer at 9am. Luckily I woke up in time and made it. We camped Ulli for a bit but then left as more LS started showing up. Instead we went and killed Seiyru and Genbu. I almost got Seiyru's Kote as well as the W. Abj Hands. On my own stupidity I passed the hands -_-. Now they aren't the greatest, but it was more of a bragging right :D. Right now I'm contemplating going back to sleep or not. I'm not really tired, or maybe I'm "overtired" c_c. Anyways, thats all there is to report~

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Greatest Day Ever

Well now where should I start. Today has been amazing thus far. It started off with a Dynamis-Beaucedine run. For those who don't know, this is the Dynamis where the DRG Body AF2 drops. Now I've been in my Dynamis LS Explorer for a long time now, and never has this AF dropped. It has eluded me for a long time. I used to hear stories of how they would get 2-3 drops per run before I joined. Needless to say I'm the only DRG in the LS atm so reserving it isn't really neccessary but I'll be damned if it dropped and someone would have outlotted me so I reserved it >_>. Now here comes the amazing part. Not only did we get a DRG drop within the first hour of the run, we got a 2nd DRG drop about another hour in! Well since I got the first one, no one wanted the 2nd drop so unfortunately it was trashed. Well I'll let the picture tell you what it looks like:

I must say this is one of the coolest looking AF Bodies out there in my opinion. Now I thought this was already a great day because I finally got my hands on this piece of AF2. However, I also got my grubby little DRG paws on 11 pieces of Dynamis Currency :D. So that was around 330k in drops. I'm broke so that replenishes a little bit of cash for me!

I used to do {sky} runs back in the old days but I got tired of it and quit because I couldn't get any good things for DRG (the Hecatomb doesn't impress me much), but since then I've got SAM to 73 and NIN to 62. The God gear is amazing pieces but only 3 jobs usually use that gear which is SAM, NIN and MNK. Since I already have SAM at 73 and plan to have NIN there too, I was dreading the fact that I would have to return to {sky} to get those pieces of equipment. My biggest problem is that I don't want to have to deal with all that stupid drama that is usually associated with {sky} linkshells. Recently I've been wondering if maybe I could get into a Japanese Linkshell and that way the drama wouldn't be so close to home with seeing people I know and heard of, etc. Well I was talking to my Dynamis LS Leader, (btw I have a JP Dynamis LS for those who don't know) and he said this was ALSO a {sky} LS. o_o. Now at this point I thought my day couldn't get any better. Well he said that it's mostly JP only however there was one English member. He then asked if I was interested in which I told him a resounding {Yes, please}. So to top off my day I'll be going on {sky} runs with my Dynamis LS so I will be with people I know, trust, and respect. I'm having such a great day :D

{Take care} {See you again!}